Follies of the Madmen #558

The trouble with the culture nowadays is that angst-ridden teenagers do not have enough access to their friendly neighborhood drugstore owners.

     Posted By: Paul - Wed Mar 08, 2023
     Category: Hygiene | Advertising | Teenagers | 1970s

Friendly drugstore? It looks more like a typical overpriced ski resort store. I'll bet that tube of toothpaste costs about ten dollars. It will go along with that twenty dollar toothbrush nicely
Posted by KDP on 03/08/23 at 01:18 PM
It's the owner that is friendly. He's happy because he's about to gouge some more customers.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 03/09/23 at 06:36 AM
Remember when you were young, and you and your friends would talk for hours about toothpaste?
Posted by Brian on 03/09/23 at 07:31 AM

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