Follies of the Madmen #601

     Posted By: Paul - Mon Jul 22, 2024
     Category: Food | Stereotypes and Cliches | Advertising | Children | 1950s | Native Americans

Please provide the URL for this page. It won't open on my computer because "it has been embedded in another site" and the original owners are anal retentive about it.
Posted by Yudith on 08/03/24 at 06:58 AM
Very bizzare, Yudith. Try this:
Posted by Paul on 08/03/24 at 01:07 PM
Interesting... the first time I came here, it played normally, embedded in this page. Now, as for Yudith, it doesn't. In my case it just shows a blank. Someone at Duke must have noticed the traffic and got his knickers in a twist. How unacademic.
Posted by Richard Bos on 08/04/24 at 02:49 AM

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