freeman hartwig

Your Daily Jury Duty
["In America, a person is presumed innocent until the mug shot is released"]
This fun-loving couple, Anne Freeman, 51, and Michael Hartwig, 58, has been accused of driving after having had a touch too much to drink, twice in three days (she on a Monday, he on Wednesday) in Silver Springs, Fla. Ocala Star-Banner
     Posted By: Chuck - Mon Jan 26, 2009

Click to enlarge! I almost fell out of my chair just looking at the thumbnails!

Anyhow, what the hell else is there to do in Silver Springs on a weekday other that lift a few at the local watering hole?

Innocent by reason of bringing humor into our lives.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 01/26/09 at 10:07 AM
He looks like a muppet, I can't pin down exactly which one but definitely a muppet.
Posted by Jules in Connecticut on 01/26/09 at 10:26 AM
Freeman looks like the life has been sucked out of her face.

Guilty! (this may be because it is Monday and I am pissed that I am back at work)
Posted by Madd Maxx on 01/26/09 at 10:40 AM
I'm sure the pics were taken on Wednesday!

KDP: "a face that could suck the life out of a battery" -- ROTFL!! Thanks, you made my Monday!!
Posted by BikerPuppy on 01/26/09 at 11:50 AM
Is he still drunk, or what?

Gill tea.
Posted by kingmonkey in Athens, Ontario on 01/26/09 at 12:27 PM
beat me to it expat. anyone who would be disturbed enough to want to enlarge those pics should be incarcerated as well....
Posted by mrjazz on 01/26/09 at 02:12 PM
Jules, that's the Swedish Chef without his hat!
I would drink too if I woke up to either of those every morning. Like right after I woke up.
Hartwig reminds me of a doodle I used to do in high school named Snuffy. Same nose, BIG mustache and unkempt hair. I don't think I would have ever drawn the Liche Queen he was with, but then again I don't think I would have done her justice.
Posted by DownCrisis on 01/28/09 at 01:05 AM
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