Frustration Room

In 1962, the Imperial Inn in Chicago opened a “frustration room.” It was a room that people could rent to vent their frustrations. They were supplied with dishes, lamps, furniture, and light bulbs, and they were invited to hurl these against the wall of the room. On the wall were pictures of policemen and politicians, among other things. The hotel manager noted, “there is a chance that someone might get carried away, and unwind so far that he needs to wind himself back up again. So as a special precaution we have a straight jacket available for anybody who goes berserk.”

Pittsburgh Press - Aug 19, 1962

Opelousas Daily World - July 15, 1962

     Posted By: Alex - Mon Feb 03, 2020
     Category: Emotions | Hotels | 1960s

This Imperial Inn seems to be an interesting place. Reading a Chicago Tribune review just 5 years later makes no mention of the Frustration Room but notes that the bar/"Cocktail lounge" had several mobiles with hundreds of eyes on them.

There appears to be a Holiday Inn at this location today.

Also, the notion that you can "vent" or remove frustration by doing aggressive things has been disproved many times in psychology. Any psychological state leads to a higher prevalence of that state (forced smiles have been proven to lead to more perceived happiness and forced frowns lead to more perceived frustration). Any angry act leads to more anger, etc. It is possible that throwing plates could be done as enjoyed act but then it is not really changing your mood exactly.
Posted by Floormaster Squeeze on 02/03/20 at 01:12 PM
When I worked at at Honeywell Aircraft Controls division in Phoenix, the offices were just five miles or so south of an outdoor public firearms range. Many of us would bring firearms to work in the morning and go off at lunch and work out some of our frustrations accumulated during the morning.
Posted by KDP on 02/03/20 at 09:46 PM
These have been making a comeback recently.
Posted by Brian on 02/05/20 at 08:51 PM
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