get spielberg

"Get me Spielberg! Now!"
Moshe Tsitsaushivili, 41, a career jewel thief awaiting trial in Westchester County, N.Y. (one of five states in which he's wanted), got more crushing news this week: Police in Australia are pretty sure he's the guy who also stole big-time while he lived there. "My life is over, man . . finished . . done." His Plan A was to have moved to New York to win back his ex-wife. (Her response: Get lost.) On to Plan B. "Contact Steven Spielberg," he told a reporter. "He would be my ticket out of here, so I can pay all these people back." Moshe wants to take a meeting so he can pitch his interesting life story, or maybe that diamond-theft movie project he heard about, with Madonna. Journal News (White Plains)
     Posted By: Chuck - Fri Oct 03, 2008

Actually sounds like a good idea! We could get a great movie out of it (I'm thinking K.Z. Jones in tights) and as bad guys can't profit from their misdeeds the $$s could be given to the victims.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 10/03/08 at 10:28 AM
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