Gum Is Bad For You

A young man studying chemistry at the Ukraine Polytechnic Institute made a costly mistake. He was studying in his room at his parents house when they heard a loud popping sound. Upon checking they found him dead, the bottom of his jaw blown off. It seems the student was in the habit of dipping his chewing gum in citric acid. That would have been fine, except there were packets of both citric acid and an unidentified explosive present. Apparently he dipped his gum in the wrong one. Ouch!!
     Posted By: Alex - Wed Dec 09, 2009

Talk about explosive flavor.
Posted by Alassirana on 12/09/09 at 03:57 PM
when in the presence of explosives it behooves one to PAY ATTENTION! pretty gruesome for the parents.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 12/09/09 at 04:00 PM
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