Gus Mager and Un-Natural History

Cartoonist Gus Mager is well-respected for his pioneering newspaper strips. But he seems to have let his fertile and fanciful brain trespass into his supposedly scientific feature for Popular Science. Some of the "facts" given in his column appear somewhat dubious, to say the least. The business about the grapefruit was all settled well before Gus was working in the 1930s.





     Posted By: Paul - Sat Oct 13, 2012
     Category: Animals | Comics | 1930s | Natural Wonders

Not one to let the facts get in the road of a good story. Dude could have worked for Ronco or K-Tel.
Posted by Harvey on 10/13/12 at 10:15 AM
WU-vie Bill Steiner sticks up for Mager in one instance. Bill wrote to me:

"That part [about hummingbirds] is true. I've seen rubythroats pecking at red buttons, a red olympic pin, and a little red crocodile on an Izod shirt. Each time, the person wearing the red item was quietly leaning back against a tree or rock.

"Cheers, Bill"

And Bill knows whereof he speaks. Check out his book on Amazon:
Posted by Paul on 10/13/12 at 10:37 AM
You don't think Mager was practicing to become a politician, do you?
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 10/13/12 at 01:27 PM
Nicely done if not factual.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 10/13/12 at 08:18 PM
Harvey: The Gus Mager legacy lives on in cable TV news networks.
Posted by tadchem on 12/12/12 at 05:29 AM
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