Handedness and Dental Wear

Back in 1950, Dr. Nishijima of Osaka University claimed that dentists could tell whether a person was right or left handed just by looking at their teeth — due to differential wear patterns from brushing.

His claim sounds logical enough to me, but more recent research doesn't seem to support it. According to a Dec 2010 article in the Journal of Dental Sciences: "no statistically significant relationship was found between hand preference and tooth-brushing abrasion in this study."

Melbourne Sun News-Pictorial - Jan 21, 1950

     Posted By: Alex - Sat Dec 28, 2024
     Category: Teeth

This is not so much weird as actually scientifically interesting. Because yes, Dr. Nishijima's claim does sound quite plausible at first; but also yes, it does need to be checked experimentally. Nullius in verba!
Posted by Richard Bos on 12/28/24 at 04:32 PM

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