Hear how to handle your boat

Released in 1961 as part of the "Carlton Hear How Series."

The series started off with fairly mundane topics such as how to handle your boat, how to be a better bowler, how to take better photographs, etc. But as sales lagged (surely because of the dull topics) Carlton introduced more controversial topics such as "Hear how to achieve sexual harmony in marriage" and "Hear how to tell your children the facts of life."

The strategy didn't work, and the series was discontinued after 1961.

More info: bsnpubs.com

     Posted By: Alex - Tue Mar 26, 2024
     Category: Boats | 1960s

Wow, the irony of posting this today - Baltimore cargo ship accident!
Posted by John S on 03/26/24 at 02:16 PM
John S -- Wow! you're right. Weird thing is that I always pre-post my posts -- I post them the night before but schedule them to go live on the site early the next morning. So I posted this before the accident occurred.
Posted by Alex on 03/26/24 at 07:13 PM
Alex, you should have bought a lottery ticket!
Posted by John S on 03/27/24 at 08:14 AM
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