His wife’s brother was really her husband

A bizarre love triangle on a Wisconsin farm.

Freeport Journal-Standard - Dec 13, 1952

Farmer Learns Wife's 'Brother' Is Actually Her Undivorced Husband
WAUSAU, Wis — Farmer Walter Brandt was married six years, he testified Friday, before he learned that the man living with him and his wife was his wife's undivorced husband, not her 'brother."
Brandt, 36, told County Judge Frank G. Loeffler that his wife, Minnie, had identified Joseph Ruddock as her brother before they were married in 1946. Brandt said Minnie and Ruddock at that time were living on a farm near Vesper.
But when Brandt married Minnie and moved to his farm in Town of Eau Plaine, he said, Ruddock moved in with them. Last July Brandt said Minnie's sister told him Ruddock was Minnie's husband, not her brother.
Joe and Minnie admitted deception but claimed they had been divorced, Brandt stated. But, he said, he "blew up" and started annulment proceedings.
Judge Loeffler told Ruddock his story of how he got a divorce was implausible and that he and Minnie still were married. Brandt was granted his annulment.
     Posted By: Alex - Mon Dec 14, 2015
     Category: Marriage | 1950s

Hooda thunk it that back in '52 some folks still hadn't migrated to Floridda.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 12/14/15 at 09:23 AM
Not auite the same situation but it did remind me of someone else:

There once lived a man named Oedipus Rex
You may have heard about his odd complex
His name appears in Freud's Index 'cause he
Loved his mother!
Posted by KDP on 12/14/15 at 10:02 AM
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