How lace curtains helped win World War II

The story goes that, during the Battle of the Bulge, in the winter of 1944, Sgt. William Furia (shown) decorated his helmet with some lace curtains that he found in an abandoned home. He did it as a joke, but then he and his fellow soldiers realized the lace made excellent camouflage in the snow. So the practice of decorating helmets with lace curtains became widespread. And thus camouflaged, the Allied soldiers were able to beat back the German offensive. Which is how lace curtains became America's secret weapon that allowed it to win the war.

     Posted By: Alex - Wed Jan 18, 2012
     Category: Fashion | Headgear | Military

Whatever works! In today's military he'd most likely be busted for being out of uniform!

Don't laugh! It actually happened when some GIs were wearing store-bought armor that was better than GI issue!
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 01/18/12 at 03:44 PM
A testament to the ancient military maxim of "improvise, adapt, and overcome." It's nice to know that some improvisations started as a joke though.
Posted by Malk on 01/18/12 at 03:44 PM
What a great idea! Especially as it worked so well.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 01/18/12 at 04:25 PM
Blending in, camouflage, whatever you want to call it. The trick is to fool the eye into not seeing the obvious. Something as simple as a tree branch stuck on your back can be sufficient. It's amazing what works.

I heard that the current "digital" camouflage pattern on BDUs will work in more environments without requiring separate patterns like woodland, urban, and desert.
Posted by KDP on 01/18/12 at 05:54 PM
Monty Python's flying circus did an excellent film on HOW NOT TO BE SEEN.
Posted by Tyrusguy on 01/18/12 at 06:18 PM
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