How To Be A Loser

Guy is hospitalized from a domestic beat down administered with a frying pan and a table leg- Loser. Guy has to get an exgirlfriend to pay for his post hospitalization prescription- LOser. Guy goes to Walmart in hospital gown to get money and prescription-LOSer. Guy snatches $50 from ex and takes off-LOSEr...on a Walmart scooter for the disabled-LOSER. To quote Ace Ventura-Loohoohooser!
     Posted By: Alex - Thu Jan 07, 2010

in a hospital gown? that had to look out of place even in walmart! and those scooters, they go like 2 mph maybe with a full charge. :lol:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 01/07/10 at 07:46 PM
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