How to choose a pot

There's an ancient Hindu ceremony called Kumbh Vivah in which a woman will marry a pot. Details from

Kumbh Vivaha or ‘pot-marriage’ is a commonly practiced Hindu astrological precaution in India. Men and women born under the slight or complete influence of the planet Mars—known as Mangliks, or ‘Mars-cursed’—are said to be astrologically destined to wreck their marriages. (I do, however know many Mangliks who have managed to make it last, often longer than the non-Mangliks.) The only preventative measure is to marry a pot prior to your marriage to an actual human. Or a tree. Sometimes even a dog. No sex is involved, if you were curious.

I'm pretty sure that Farberware didn't have this in mind when they made the ad below.

Boston Sunday Globe - Oct 31, 1971

     Posted By: Alex - Wed Jan 22, 2025
     Category: Husbands | Marriage | 1970s


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