Hypnotist Seeks Humane Turkey Death

November 1956: Hypnotist Arthur Ellen urged President Eisenhower to put his Thanksgiving turkey in a trance before executing it, promising him that a hypnotized turkey "tastes better due to the absence of adrenalin in the bloodstream and plucks easier because the muscles holding the feathers are relaxed."

Port Angeles Evening News - Nov 19, 1956

It's not recorded whether Eisenhower took the advice of the hypnotist. However, Wikipedia notes that, "The Eisenhower Presidential Library says documents in their collection reveal that President Dwight Eisenhower ate the birds presented to him during his two terms."

The tradition of Presidential turkey pardons only officially began with Reagan, although both Kennedy and Nixon spared some birds.

Below: Eisenhower in 1954 feeds a cranberry to a soon-to-be-eaten Thanksgiving turkey.

Image source: White House Historical Association

     Posted By: Alex - Thu Nov 24, 2016
     Category: Holidays | Thanksgiving | Hypnotism, Mesmerism and Mind Control | 1950s

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