I’d Give My Panties for a Crippled Kid

1952 was the year that the panty raid craze hit campuses across America. One of the primary goals of the raids was to cause chaos and commotion (and grab panties, of course), but a few students at the University of Idaho decided to use the raids to achieve a greater social good. They conducted a "reverse" panty-raid. This involved showing up, "whoopin' and hollerin," in the middle of the night at a female dormitory, and then they auctioned off panties to the girls, instead of stealing panties from them. They donated all the proceeds of the auction to the Crippled Children's Fund. It was a nice gesture, but the slogan they chose for the event, "I'd Give My Panties for a Crippled Kid," probably wouldn't pass muster with the guardians of political correctness on campuses today.

     Posted By: Alex - Sat Sep 29, 2012
     Category: Charities and Philanthropy | Fads | 1950s

And science still won't admit what eating too many potatoes leads to.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 09/29/12 at 08:50 AM
A little more history and info for anyone interested:

Posted by BrokeDad in Midwest US on 09/29/12 at 10:02 AM
What are the crippled kids supposed to do with all those panties?!? 😝
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 09/29/12 at 07:39 PM
Lol, very nice story. This is the perfect blog for anyone who wants to know about this topic. Thank you for sharing!
Posted by Sandra Wilson on 01/12/13 at 11:19 PM
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