I’m a Ding Dong Daddy from Dumas

Gangsta rap!

Well a pretty little mom tried to put me on the run

But I had to burn her down with a Thompson Gun

I'm a ding dong daddy from Dumas babe

You oughta see me do my stuff

I'm a ding dong daddy baby

And liquor is my racket

Lots of times when things are dull

I deal in other traffic

I can sell you morphine coke or snow

Take a little shot and you're raring to go
     Posted By: Paul - Thu Jun 11, 2015
     Category: Drugs | Music | 1930s

It's not so much gangster rap as hipster rap, don't you think?
Posted by KDP on 06/11/15 at 09:38 AM
@KDP: Well, it could swing either way.

BTW, there's a Dumas in Arkansas and one in Texas.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 06/11/15 at 09:40 AM
This wild younger generation and their drug-fueled "jazz" music are proof positive of the imminent downfall of American civilization.
Posted by Frank on 06/11/15 at 10:34 AM
Thanks for the introduction to Bob Wills, Paul. I'd always wondered where the expression ding dong daddy originated from -- I remember seeing it in a Robert Crumb cartoon.
Posted by Harvey on 06/12/15 at 08:15 PM
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