Innovative Projects in Canada

Canadian tax dollars at work! Back in 1984 (source: Montreal Gazette - Oct 17, 1984), the Canada Council gave the following grants to fund Canadian artists who had "innovative" projects:

Jim Freedman got $4,885 to write a book on "professional wrestling as it relates to small towns, offering reasons for its decline in popularity."

Richard Lyle Hills received $3,125 to write "a collection of short stories examining the lives and values of those who work at construction jobs."

Joanne Claire was granted $8,200 to write "a book which questions the beliefs and assumptions upon which our lives are based."

Daniel Boudereau and Helene Cosette got $14,700 to develop "a performance integrating movement and color by acrobats inside a multi-chambered cubic structure."

Thirty years later, what became of these projects? The only one I could track down was Jim Freedman's wrestling book, which was published by Crowbar Press in 1988 as Drawing Heat (Amazon link). And it actually sounds like an interesting book.

But all the other projects — nada. Did they actually produce anything with the money given to them?

     Posted By: Alex - Fri Sep 19, 2014
     Category: Government | 1980s

What I want to know is, why were the "multi-chambered cubic structure" people given so much more money that the other projects. Heck, they could've just borrowed the set of the Hollywood Squares show.
Posted by Rocket J. Squirrel on 09/19/14 at 10:52 AM
Obtaining the needed FUNDING is often the most difficult part of a project! :lol: :coolsmile:
Posted by Tyrusguy on 09/19/14 at 11:32 AM
So, the handouts for "art" from the Canadian government can be just as wacky as those of the U.S. Hooray!
Posted by KDP on 09/19/14 at 11:46 AM
If an 'art form' or project can't or won't support itself then let it fall by the wayside. Nobody gave Elvis any money when he was struggling.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 09/19/14 at 12:23 PM
Canada does some strange stuff as is witnessed by many of those 'art' clips we have had on here.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 09/19/14 at 04:25 PM
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