kay underwood

Having fun with a potentially debilitating condition
Kay Underwood, 20, has the rare, momentary-muscle-relaxing disorder of cataplexy, which causes her to collapse to the floor during extremes of emotion, including laughter. "I have learned a few tricks, like locking my knees together or grabbing on to something" to prevent falling. On the other hand, she and her friends think it's great sport to do something funny to make Kay fall. Daily Telegraph (London)
     Posted By: Chuck - Tue Aug 05, 2008

Is there some way of inducing cataplexy in othes? Say, some kind of rare plant I could feed to my smug neighbour that would cause him to collapse whenever he trims his hedges onto my car?
Posted by kingmonkey in Athens, Ontario on 08/05/08 at 10:39 AM
KingMonkey... I couldn't find the exact location of the the plant you're looking for but it's produce can be found on this website.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 08/06/08 at 12:52 AM
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