Kinematic programming for rain

July 1966: The mathematician Mervyn Stone published an article in the journal Nature that analyzed "the optimal speed and posture to adopt when caught without protection in a rain shower."

The article itself is mostly gobbledygook to me, but apparently he concluded that if the rain is coming from behind you then "walk forward leaning backwards." While if you're walking into the rain then "lower the head and walk as fast as possible."

Reference: "Kinematic Programming for Rain," Nature - July 23, 1966

The Branford Expositor - Sep 19, 1966

Click to enlarge as PDF

     Posted By: Alex - Mon Sep 16, 2024
     Category: Science | 1960s | Weather

Depends on where you live. Where I live now if you get caught out in the rain you run. When I lived in Hawaii and you got caught out in the rain you just watched the tourists run.
Posted by F.U.D. in Stockholm on 09/16/24 at 10:06 AM
When I was in sixth grade, my teacher let me have an old copy of Recreational Mathematics magazine. There was an article on pretty much the same topic. The math was well beyond me (and it might still be, even though I majored in math in college), and I remember that it assumed that the subject was a sphere.
Posted by ges on 09/16/24 at 05:35 PM
This has Ig Noble Prize written all over it.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 09/18/24 at 01:14 PM
This has Ig Nobel written all over it.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 09/18/24 at 01:19 PM
1st post seemed denied. Maybe the server had to think awhile since I'm on a different computer?
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 09/18/24 at 01:21 PM

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