The Lunar Hilton

Back in 1967, as the first landing on the moon approached, Hilton prepared plans for opening hotels in space. They envisioned first opening an Orbiter Hilton, soon to be followed by a Lunar Hilton.

Details from an article in the Boston Globe (July 20, 1969):

The first moon tourists will enjoy comfortable earth-style living in a tri-level underground resort. Bottom level will contain mechanical equipment and the center level will consist of two 400 feet guest corridors containing 100 rooms. Top level will be for public space.

Hilton said the three floors will eliminate elevators and should minimize power requirements. Multi-story underground moon hotels will come later.

Guest rooms will have wall-to-wall television for closed circuitry views of space and to receive programs from earth. A nuclear reactor kitchen will prepare dehydrated freeze dry foods. Cleaning will be done by small laser units.

The Lunar Hilton's most popular spot will probably be the Galaxy Lounge where thermopane windows will provide a view of outer space and earth. Pre-measured, pre-cooled, "instant" drinks will be served by push buttons.

Hilton even created a key for a room in its lunar hotel and printed up a form so that people could book a reservation.

More info: CNN Travel

     Posted By: Alex - Mon Jul 05, 2021
     Category: Hotels | Space Travel | 1960s

A trifle optimistic, methinks!
Posted by David P. on 07/06/21 at 03:25 PM
I remember hearing that in the late 1960s, an airline (Pan Am, perhaps?) was taking reservations for flights into space, on the presumption that the possibility was “right around the corner.” Hopefully no one paid too much money for those…
Posted by Brian on 07/06/21 at 04:31 PM
This all may have been started by Stanley Kubrick. Recall that he showed some brand names in "2001". I remember the space plane to the moon was a PanAm, and the hotel in space was Howard Johnson's. Maybe Hilton got jealous about not being included.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 07/07/21 at 12:21 PM
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