Malicious Enticement

Nov 1971: The mayor of Evansdale, Iowa left his wife to be with a city clerk. This prompted the mayor's wife to sue the clerk for "maliciously enticing" him away from his wife. The husband of the clerk simultaneously sued the mayor on the same grounds. Therefore the mayor and the clerk were potentially guilty of maliciously enticing each other.

I hadn't been aware of 'malicious enticement' as a legal category. A search for the term mostly turns up uses in the business world, where a business could be held liable for maliciously enticing employees away from another business.

The Hollywood ad men missed an opportunity by not crowning a young woman 'Miss Maliciously Enticing'.

Davenport Quad-City Times - Nov 5, 1971

     Posted By: Alex - Fri Jan 17, 2025
     Category: Lawsuits | Divorce | 1970s

$30,000 for the loss of a woman. $75,000 for the loss of a man. Looks like the old double standard was in full effect.
Posted by Phideaux on 01/17/25 at 12:53 AM
When I went to law school action was called alienation of affection. They had been banned in my state by what was called the anti heart balm statute. Maybe elsewhere but not in Ohio, of course law may changed since 1982.
Posted by Joe Weckbacher on 01/18/25 at 07:41 AM

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