Man in a bottle

We previously met performance artist Abraham Poincheval back in 2017 when he sat on a dozen eggs until they hatched.

Now he's enclosed himself in a giant bottle that's floating on the Canal Saint-Denis outside of the Olympic Stadium. His plan is to stay in there for ten days.

More info:

     Posted By: Alex - Tue Aug 06, 2024
     Category: Boats | Performance Art

"The artist is no stranger to long stays inside unusual and claustrophobic places. In 2014, he lived inside a taxidermied bear for 13 days."
Posted by crc on 08/06/24 at 04:55 AM
Maybe RFK Jr. should have taken the bear to a taxidermist instead of dumping it in Central Park.
Posted by ges on 08/06/24 at 10:51 PM
This is the guy NASA should have sent to space in the new Boeing rocket. He could have taught the other astronauts about living in unusual and claustrophobic spaces.
Posted by Yudith on 08/09/24 at 05:14 AM
I was about to make a really nasty comment, but you know what? No, let him do his trick! He isn't David Blaine, he doesn't deserve my sarcasm.
Posted by Richard Bos on 08/11/24 at 06:54 AM

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