Mayor Stubbs

Talkeetna, Alaska's Mayor Stubbs is the cat's meow!
     Posted By: Alex - Sun Jul 15, 2012

Cool cat!
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/15/12 at 08:48 PM
I showed this to our cat when I saw it, trying to impress upon him the fact that this possible cousin of his actually has a function in life. Unfortunately, Kitty is still rather unimpressed. 😕
Posted by done on 07/15/12 at 08:59 PM
I've met Kitty and I wouldn't count on it honey. :lol:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/15/12 at 09:04 PM
Talkeetna is a cool town! :coolsmile:
Posted by Tyrusguy on 07/15/12 at 09:52 PM
Hey, could the cat run for President? Ha ha ha
Posted by girlgeniusNYC on 07/15/12 at 10:22 PM
Apparently, only if he agrees to a sperm limit (see previous Procreation Conundrum post). Ours, being neutered, and definitely born in the USA, shouldn't have that problem. Now, if he could only get motivated enough, and stay away from his food bowl long enough to campaign. 😊
Posted by done on 07/15/12 at 10:39 PM
Never happen, unless you stop watching his back for him! 😉
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/15/12 at 11:19 PM
But then the local jackals would have Kitty for lunch, Patty - he he
Posted by done on 07/15/12 at 11:35 PM
Well we can't have that! Kitty is a great cat and deserves your protection sweetie.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 07/15/12 at 11:43 PM
One pussy more or less in DC isn't going to effect much one way or the other.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 07/16/12 at 10:08 AM
Typical politician: thinks I'm there to serve him, and more interested in pussy than in my interests.
Posted by TheCannyScot in Atlanta, GA on 07/16/12 at 06:05 PM
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