Miss Drag Strip

Apparently, there were several "Miss Drag Strip" contests around the nation, so these two photos might not go together--but they are illustrative of the genre!

     Posted By: Paul - Fri Jun 07, 2024
     Category: Awards, Prizes, Competitions and Contests | Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues | Regionalism | 1950s | Cars

Memories, the first picture. My big brother and his friends were really into going to Lions Drag Strip when they were in high school (and I was in jr. high) in the beginning of the 60´s.
Posted by F.U.D. in Stockholm on 06/07/24 at 12:21 PM
It's weird that they give the contestants' home addresses in the caption of the first picture. It would make a perv's job easier.
Posted by ges on 06/07/24 at 01:55 PM
How different from today's Miss Drag...
Posted by Richard Bos on 06/09/24 at 02:42 PM

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