Miss Fluffy Rice

She was an animated corporate mascot, but her name also alluded to all the "miss" titles popular at the time. Thankfully the ad men didn't put her in a bikini. Though she is topless, which is a bit risqué.

Ladies' Home Journal - Feb 1962

Oakdale Journal - Sep 10, 1959

     Posted By: Alex - Sun Feb 04, 2024
     Category: Advertising | Corporate Mascots, Icons and Spokesbeings | 1960s

She's more than topless; she's naked under that apron. That's worse than Ebichu the hamster.
Posted by Yudith on 02/04/24 at 08:13 AM
That's not just an apron. It's the same kind of apron that's part of the French maid costume.
Posted by ges on 02/04/24 at 10:08 AM
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