Miss Miniskirt of 1969

Your choice.

     Posted By: Paul - Mon Nov 21, 2022
     Category: Contests, Races and Other Competitions | Fashion | 1960s | Europe | United Kingdom | Attractiveness, Sexiness, Allure and Personal Magnetism

I didn't see anything about miniskirts for years, and now they're popping up on a weekly basis.

My favorite factoid, as stated on the tv show QI: miniskirts were named after the Mini Cooper because they shared a flirty, flippy, freewheeling style.
Posted by Phideaux on 11/21/22 at 11:58 AM
@Phideaux: then they should've been called Reliant skirts...
Posted by Richard Bos on 11/27/22 at 04:41 AM
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