Miss National Parole Board

In the 1960s and '70s, female employees of Canada's National Parole Board got to compete for the honor of being chosen Miss National Parole Board.

Whoever was chosen Miss National Parole Board could then go on to compete to be "RA Queen of the Year." As far as I can tell, RA stood for 'Recreation Association.' It was the government organization that sponsored a beauty contest for Canadian civil service workers.

Miss National Parole Board would compete against other title-holders such as 'Miss Fisheries,' 'Miss Defence Production,' 'Miss Solicitor-General,' and 'Miss Canadian Penitentiary Service.'

Insight (The National Parole Board Newsletter) - Summer-Fall 1968

Insight (The National Parole Board Newsletter) - Fall 1969

Ottawa Citizen - May 1, 1968

     Posted By: Alex - Sun Jun 02, 2024
     Category: Awards, Prizes, Competitions and Contests | Government | 1960s

"Miss External Affairs" (bottom page) makes my short list for the weirdest title.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 06/03/24 at 02:32 PM
Is it amiss of me that I want to see Miss Customer Of Parole Board?
Posted by Richard Bos on 06/09/24 at 02:56 PM
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