Monument to the Unelected

The front yard of a Phoenix home displays campaigns signs of major candidates who have lost a presidential election, including failed candidates of yesteryear such as James G. Blaine and Winfield Hancock.

The signs are the work of artist Nina Katchadourian who calls it the "Monument to the Unelected." She's been creating it (and finding homes to host it) every presidential election cycle since 2008. On her website she explains:

Each sign was made in a design vernacular that could have come from any time in the past few decades, even if it advertised a candidate from a previous century. At a time when the country was preoccupied with the "fork in the road" moment of a major national election, the piece presented a view of the country's collective political road not taken.

More info:,

     Posted By: Alex - Sat Oct 26, 2024
     Category: Art | Politics | Signage

I dig it!
Posted by Patrick on 10/28/24 at 08:47 AM
Which of them are you digging up, Patrick?
Posted by Richard Bos on 11/02/24 at 02:04 PM
Hi Richard,
I am now in my seventh decade of life. In all that time it has only been in the last eight years that I have seen the quantity of presidential political signs up year round, and in non-election years. Usually, most of them come down within a month or two of election day. My sense of humor runs this way: I thought about creating a sign for Rutherford B. Hayes to put in my yard just for laughs, and as a comment on this recent phenomenon of signs up year-round. Not a fan either way of President Hayes, I just like the unique name "Rutherford". 😊

I just appreciated the artist's sense of humor, creating signs for candidates who did not win.
No, I do not want to dig up a corpse. I will leave that to the attorneys and doctor.
Posted by Patrick on 11/04/24 at 07:49 AM
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