Murdered by Human Wolves

In Oklahoma's Konawa Memorial Cemetery stands the gravestone of Katherine Cross (Mar. 13, 1899 - Oct. 10, 1917), which bears the mysterious epitaph, "Murdered by human wolves."

Image source: Find A Grave

This has generated all sorts of local legends, and it's also inspired a novella by Steven Wedel, Murdered by Human Wolves (The Werewolf Saga).

The most likely explanation is that she died as a result of a botched abortion operation, and that the mysterious phrase was meant to be metaphorical. But still, cool epitaph!

More info: wikipedia, 405 magazine
     Posted By: Alex - Sat Dec 26, 2015
     Category: Death | 1910s

Maybe she was attending the comic con as Lambsie and didn't run fast enough.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 12/26/15 at 09:28 AM
Homo homini lupus.
Posted by Richard Bos on 12/26/15 at 01:11 PM
Werewolves?? Or a family with a bizarre sense of humor. "let 'em figure that one out in a hundred years"
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 12/26/15 at 02:06 PM
Wow an abortion agenda statement. I would assume she was killed by a vicious family or gang not some rare unspoken of death cause as ametaphor.
Posted by John Church on 12/26/15 at 02:58 PM
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