Mystery Flesh Pit National Park

Located near Gumption, Texas, the Mystery Flesh Pit National Park is a must-see for all curiosity-seekers.

Of course, it's an elaborate satire. A mash-up of upbeat National Park merchandising and Lovecraftian horror. But apparently not everyone realizes that. Its creator, artist Trevor Roberts, reports:

I am surprised that some people believe it is real, as that was never the intention. I do try my best to mimic the style of real NPS brochures and materials through layout, typeface selection, color choices, and general wording, but I had imagined that the absurdity of the basic concept would be enough for someone to see that it was all an art project.

More info:
     Posted By: Alex - Tue Aug 27, 2024
     Category: Freaks, Oddities, Quirks of Nature | Satire

I happened across this a few years ago. It's nice to see the site is still live.
Posted by eddi on 08/27/24 at 04:23 AM
As a Lovecraft fan... I would.
Posted by Richard Bos on 08/31/24 at 05:18 AM

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