Name That List, #25

What is this a list of? The answer is below in extended.
  • Kicked in the head by a horse
  • Imaginary female trouble
  • Laziness
  • Masturbation for 30 years
  • Novel reading
  • Over study of religion
  • Bad whiskey
  • Deranged masturbation
  • Egotism
  • Fighting fire
  • Vicious vices
  • Snuff eating for 2 years
  • Gathering in the head
  • Hard study

Reasons for admission to West Virginia's Hospital for the Insane in the late 1800s.

via Dangerous Minds

The full list:

     Posted By: Alex - Thu Aug 07, 2014
     Category: Name That List

Salvation Army?! Isn't carbonic acid gas just carbon dioxide? Does that mean seltzer addiction?
Posted by ges on 08/07/14 at 08:45 AM
Political excitement! Politics! Sounds like they would be locking people away left and right!(that pun was unintentional! a happy accident! I swear!) :lol: :coolsmile:
Posted by Tyrusguy on 08/07/14 at 09:01 AM
Tobacco & Masturbation - I had no idea that the two were linked. Sort of like the old Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms department of the U.S. government. I always thought that was the place to call for party supplies.
Posted by KDP on 08/07/14 at 09:33 AM
I was close! I thought it a list of our peccadilloes.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 08/07/14 at 09:54 AM
I got 32 out of 86. Did I pass?
Posted by F.U.D. on 08/07/14 at 10:32 AM
So it's okay to let your daughter get married and shoot your son; but not the opposite. What is ranged masterbation? So many questions.
Posted by BMN on 08/07/14 at 10:37 AM
"False Confinement"... as a reason for, well, you know...

Also WTF is "female disease"?
Posted by Daldude on 08/07/14 at 04:23 PM
Expat, we were on the same track. I thought it was entry requirements to weirduniverse.

I missed out on uterine derangement, small pox, female disease and shooting of daughter. And nymphomaniacs have given me a wide berth.
Posted by Harvey on 08/07/14 at 06:48 PM
Masturbation *and* suppressed masturbation - I think that covers just about everybody.
Posted by Manticore on 08/08/14 at 02:31 AM
After watching some (old?) news this AM you can now get put away for being 90 years old and protecting your property. Watch This

Oh, yea, she held off a SWAT team for 4 hours or so.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 08/08/14 at 02:49 AM
I thought they were all grounds for divorce.
Posted by Fritz on 08/08/14 at 10:26 AM
I figured they were either what they are (grounds for institutionalizing someone) or else minimum requirements for running for Congress.
Posted by TheCannyScot in Atlanta, GA on 08/08/14 at 10:51 AM
Wow, I wonder what it was like INSIDE that place!
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 08/08/14 at 07:12 PM
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