Natural Selection

James Looney, 40, of Imperial, Missouri had a fatal mishap while teaching his girlfriend gun safety. He intended to take her to a shooting range the following day, so he wanted to go over safe gun handling first. After explaining that a gun won't fire when the safety is on he proceeded to demonstrate. The third gun Mr. Looney pointed at his head fired when he pulled the trigger killing him. It is alleged that alcohol was involved.
     Posted By: Alex - Wed Sep 23, 2009

3rd time is a charm. alcohol and natural selection seem to go hand in hand. oh and did i mention HIS NAME IS LOONEY.

standard disclaimer: i'm sorry when anyone dies but the dude put 3 different guns to his head and pulled the trigger in order to teach gun safety.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 09/23/09 at 12:37 AM
Ma Nature recalling a defective part.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 09/23/09 at 04:55 AM
It's probably a good thing he wasn't teaching his girlfriend to drive a car.

-Cougar :{)
Posted by Cougar Allen on 09/23/09 at 01:02 PM
lets hope his 'safety' was on every time he shot. 😝
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 09/23/09 at 06:18 PM
I bet the lesson was effective for the girlfriend...
Posted by Venus in Baton Rouge on 09/23/09 at 08:10 PM
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