New Hoover Deluxe Shampoo Polishers

Jeff Koons's 1987 "sculpture" is titled "New Hoover Deluxe Shampoo Polishers, New Shelton Wet/Dry 5-Gallon Displaced Quadradecker." It consists of a stack of six shampoo polishers and one wet/dry vacuum.

I wonder if the work was inspired in any way by the persistent weird news theme of 'art mistaken as trash.' Instead of art that resembles trash, Koons imagined cleaning supplies as art.

Yeah, I'm probably overthinking this.

New Hoover Deluxe Shampoo Polishers, New Shelton Wet/Dry 5-Gallon Displaced Quadradecker
image source: wikiart

     Posted By: Alex - Mon Aug 12, 2024
     Category: Art | 1980s

More likely "inspired by" - read: blatantly stolen from - R. Mutt's Fountain.
Posted by Richard Bos on 08/17/24 at 11:40 AM

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