Sex-education workshops for teenagers, sponsored by Britain's Nat'l Health Service, might be a good thing, but it's unclear why in one class they needed to give each participant a
sorta-souvenir, 6-inch-long rubber penis to take with 'em.
Belfast Telegraph
Illinois state Rep. Annazette Collins suggested gun education classes for public schools—and
especially urban schools, since many kids in rural downstate areas already get gun education from their hunter-parents.
WBBM Radio (Chicago)
The mayor of Dixon, Ill., has just the deal for ya in this job-evaporating recession:
yet another national holiday (for St. Patrick's Day)!
Daily Gazette (Sterling, Ill.)
So Seattle passes a law to require developers to put in sidewalks on their construction ("pedestrian safety"), but, say, a janitor saved for 12 yrs for the down payment on building his $250k "dream" house, and he got it, and he built, and he sees the finish line . . and then the city says he needs another $15,000 to put in that sidewalk. No, he's not a developer, but it's new construction. And, no, not a single other home on his block has a sidewalk (hence,
his "sidewalk to nowhere"). And no, there's probably not gonna be any other sidewalks there for years because tear-down/rebuilds are exempt. Also, no, there's nothing we can do about it, officials say.
Seattle Times
Your Daily Jury Duty
["In America, a person is presumed innocent until the mug shot is released"]
John Coppes, 25, Mena, Ark., might be guilty of trespass (plus, in another state, ya could be judging him on having had "indecent sexual intercourse," but in Arkansas, that crime applies only to human-on-human sex).
Associated Press via WLFI-TV (Lafayette, La.)