News of the Weird / Plus, June 22, 2015

News of the Weird / Plus
June 22, 2015 (Part 1) [weird stuff that made me excited (frightened) (ROTFL) (appalled) last week, some of which will appear in News of the Weird soon] [Part 1 on Monday, Part 2 on Tuesday]

In the Indian village of Ganeshpura, a thug in a higher class stomped an underage low-class girl because she bumped into him and got cooties on him. her shadow got accidentally cast upon him (along with, of course, cooties). Indian Express

In the Dublin, Ohio, school district, about 20 percent of high school grads were designated as “valedictorians.” Used to be one per school, but since so many GPAs are over-4.0 now because of Advance Placement classes, they all “deserve” valedictorian status. [ed. Nerd/Wonk Alert: But special-honoring the lad or chick at the top seems logical; special-honoring everyone who’s aced an AP course is just a committee construct.] Education Week

Americans sure have a way of convincing ourselves that really, really bad things can’t happen here (like that it’s odd that there are vicious racists with guns). More: “Every big [computer] hack discovered will eventually prove to be more serious than first believed,” sagely asserted There’s evidence now that the recent hack of the Office of Personnel Management not only got 4m current and former federal workers’ SSNs and stuff but also OPM’s form SF-86 files used for security-clearance background checks. And more!

In the course of a Medicare fraud investigation that hit the press last week, it was learned that Dallas-area doctor Noble U. Ezukanma, 56, billed the gov’t for 205 hours’ work in one day. It was October 16, 2012; how much work did you get done that day? Dallas Morning News

Bill Clinton is fond of saying (at those $200k-plus speeches he gives) that we all need to be working together, that “the great [naturally] cooperating species are ants, termites, bees, and people.” Add “baboons,” according to University of California, Davis researchers, who tracked a troop to see how they decided to go this way instead of that way and discovered that, rather than rely on a dominant leader, they crowdsourced the direction. Washington Post

There’s something called the Institute for Economics and Peace, and according to its calculation, “wars” cost our Earthian civilization $14 trillion in the last yr (equal to the combined GDPs of the UK, France, Germany, Canada, Spain, and Brazil). Seems a steep price to pay for human frailty. Daily Telegraph (London)

A Washington Post blog entry briefly reviewed the new edition of Routledge International Handbook of Ignorance Studies. Conclusion: “The realm of ignorance is so vast that no one volume can fully cover it.” Agreed. Washington Post

Ashley Miller, 18, Bradenton, Fla., was caught with video files with her dog “2-face,” whom she had trained to lick the carpet. (Bonus: 2-face is female--alert the American Family Ass'n!--and at least 63 yrs old, but back when Ashley might have been a minor, she had another dog, Scarface, that similarly provided for her needs.) The Smoking Gun
     Posted By: Chuck - Mon Jun 22, 2015

Dog training is much easier if/when one uses peanut butter. (I saw it in a movie)
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 06/22/15 at 12:09 PM
The dog is at least 63 years old????
Posted by TheCannyScot in Atlanta, GA on 06/22/15 at 02:55 PM
Don't forget, Canny, we're talking about dog years here.
Posted by KDP on 06/22/15 at 05:00 PM
I have my wife and Patty. My dog can just lick herself. 😜 :red:
Posted by BrokeDad in Midwest US on 06/23/15 at 07:45 AM
I don't think this dog would be for you, it sounds like it would be more for your wife or Patty.
Posted by Gary Foster on 06/29/15 at 02:56 PM
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