News of the Weird / Plus, May 12, 2015

News of the Weird / Plus
May 12, 2015 (Part 2) [weird stuff that made me excited (frightened) (ROTFL) (appalled) last week, some of which will appear in News of the Weird soon] [Part 1 on Monday, Part 2 on Tuesday]

New Avenue for Perverts: In China’s Henan province, a cadre of female lifeguards has been met with “Save me, I’m drowning” calls just so men can do some feels and gropes on their rescuers. (Solution: lifeguard body cameras!) Daily Mail (London)

Pets With Issues: So here’s an OCD cat that eats shoelaces and hairbands--and (as BrokeDad pointed out here yesterday) a Belgian Malinois that eats, well, everything inappropriate (bras, TV remote, and now live rounds of ammo). The Argus (Brighton, England) /// Baxter Bulletin (Mountain Home, Ark.)

Can’t Possibly Be True: If you suspend a 6th-grader for a whole year for bringing marijuana to school, surely you have to apologize and un-suspend him once you find out (after 3 lab tests) that it wasn’t marijuana (or anything else illegal). Surely! You have to! Except Bedford Middle School in Roanoke, Va. (March). Roanoke Times

If you have to take a restroom break from speaking at a city council meeting, make sure you turn your mic “off” while you’re tinkling. Fox News

The gov’t of Mosul (i.e., ISIS) announced that it has allowed the relatively luxurious Ninawa Hotel to reopen, and reports that gives it rave reviews. These photos on back up the claim.

A Wall Street Journal investigation named three Big Pharma companies that recently bought the rights to certain drugs (including two “lifesaving heart drugs”) and jacked the price up, out of sight, the same day. A 1mm vial of one went from $215 a slug to $1,347; a 2mm vial of the other, from $258 to $806. Is this a great country or wh Oh, wait, it’s a Canadian company. Wall Street Journal

Video surveillance of the robbery of the drug store in Beaver, W.Va., showed the clever perp pepper-spraying the employees but then walking directly into the cloud of spray and agitating himself. He has been arrested. Associated Press via WTOP Radio (Washington, D.C.)
     Posted By: Chuck - Tue May 12, 2015

Of course, the fellow who left his mic on in the bathroom is another example of LIFE IMITATES THE SIMPSONS. Only in Homer's case, he was wearing a full virtual reality rig that put his avatar on the big screen at an auditorium, and then he forgot, left the stage, and went to the john, while his avatar mimicked.
Posted by Paul on 05/12/15 at 10:57 AM
Roanoke Story: Two things to observe here.

1) Zero Tolerance policies equal Zero Intelligence required to perform the job


2) When authority is wrong count on it doubling down on the original mistake to support its position. (See note #1)

China Swimmers: Now there's a move I could have used in my misspent youth.
Posted by KDP on 05/12/15 at 03:27 PM
New Avenue: Stop giving me ideas 🐛

Beaver W.Va : I wished I lived in Beaver or better yet Pussy France or Muff Ireland

Finally OMG I got mentioned by Chuck in a NOTW post .. I feel honored.
Posted by BrokeDad in Midwest US on 05/12/15 at 03:47 PM
Zero intelligence-- I mean "zero tolerance"-- cases like that piss me off. It's a real shame that idiots like that wind up in charge of schools.

There was an update to the story on April 22:

There's no conclusion-- a trial is scheduled for March 2016, and I have no idea if the judge has ruled on the motion(s) to dismiss-- but based on questions and comments by Judge Moon, he seems sympathetic for the boy and skeptical of the officials. Hopefully the facts are sufficient for him to rule in the boy's favor and get this case in front of a jury.
Posted by Justin on 05/15/15 at 01:39 AM
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