News of the Weird / Plus
May 4, 2015 (Part 1 of 2)
[weird stuff that made me excited (frightened) (ROTFL) (appalled) last week, some of which will appear in News of the Weird soon] [Part 1 on Monday, Part 2 on Tuesday]
There’s an Iditarod Fantasy League (It’s on the mushers, not the dogs!)
Alaska Dispatch News
There’s now overwhelming circumstantial evidence that Oklahoma is causing its own earthquakes (in a state represented by the only U.S. Senator absolutely certain that humans don’t add to global temperature rises)
Bloomberg Business Week
If you’re wanted on 37 charges, and the only thing you’ve got to escape cops in is your RV, then RV, it is.
Alaska Dispatch News
John Deere told the U.S. Copyright office that even if you bought and paid for your tractor, you still don’t own it. (Deere does, because of all the electronic stuff that makes it work; you just get a license to use it.)
The delta smelt are approaching extinction, and California is using 233 billion gallons of water a year to save them. Who knew Calif had 233 bn gallons lying around? (Bonus: Smelt’s still getting scarcer.)
Wall Street Journal
At least one UK council is standing firm on what “restitution” means; you tear down a pub they told you not to, and you have to put it back, brick by brick.
London Evening Standard
Japan may have its high-tech toilet expos, and South Korea its toilet-themed park, but an entrepreneur in Italy’s Piacenza province has just opened the
Museo Della Merde (a “poo-seum”) with TMI about number
United Press International
An artist-designed robot, programed to buy things randomly on the “dark” Internet, was . . “arrested” . . by Swiss police when it happened to buy 10 ecstasy pills.
The Guardian (London)
Only 17 states have specific laws to protect against “revenge porn” (exposing ex-lovers’ goodies), and if the vic tries a “takedown” notice under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, she has to file images of her gazongas with the U.S. Copyright office (and it still doesn’t work very well legally).