No Harshing of the WU Mellow

Esteemed WU-vies:

Alex and I noted some tiny, tiny flareups in the comments about who's being a jerk and who isn't. I refuse to believe that ANYONE in this select audience is an intentional jerk. Alex and I are extremely grateful to have you all as readers and commenters. We wouldn't be doing this blog without your support and the pleasure of your company.

Anyhow, everyone take a chill pill and stand by for more of the patented Weirdness you've come to know and love. I invoke this in the name of Saint Chuck Shepherd, long may his memory survive.

     Posted By: Paul - Wed Feb 05, 2025
     Category: Weird Universe | Love & Romance

A) Agree
B) What is the context for this photo?
Posted by crc on 02/05/25 at 01:50 PM
CRC--this is an AI depiction of a giant picnic of happy WU-vies, brought together by the presence of the computer monitor. The food hasn't arrived ed yet, because we picked a bad caterer.
Posted by Paul on 02/05/25 at 01:56 PM

Inaccurate, I'm too much of an introvert.
Posted by crc on 02/06/25 at 05:15 AM
They’re way too young. I think there are lots of baby boomers here.
Posted by ges on 02/06/25 at 11:10 AM

Rules for posting: 1) No spam. 2) Don't be a jerk.