Notice on CHICAGO TRIBUNE links

Friends--I always delighted in searching the open archives of the CHICAGO TRIBUNE, and finding many items there to highlight on WU, with links back to the source.

This week the formerly open archives went behind a paywall. I understand the economics of it, but I'm still sad.

And of course, the old links won't work now.

Well, it was fun while it lasted...

     Posted By: Paul - Wed Oct 04, 2017
     Category: Journalism | Weird Universe

That is a loss for all of us. I had bookmarked the Tribune's archive page and used it occasionally for historical research. Mostly, though, I use the newspaper archive dot com site. My local library pays for access to all who possess its library card, and we just have to access the archive site through the library's link. Unfortunately, the Chicago Tribune is not a part of the newspaper archive collection, although many other Chicagoland papers are. But even though I can see pages for free, it isn't helpful to post links to specific pages because whoever visits them would have to find their own way to view them. So I either use screenshots or just download entire pages and then edit out the unwanted parts of the page with photoshop, and then post a jpeg of the specific article that I want to share.
Posted by Fritz G on 10/04/17 at 11:44 AM
Once upon a time there was a book by Steven Levy titled "Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution" which contained an unofficial list called the "Hacker's Code Of Ethics" (when the word "hacker" had a much different meaning than today) and one of the tenets stated that "All information should be free." In that list was also "Mistrust Authority - Promote Decentralization." Take that for what it's worth.
Posted by KDP on 10/04/17 at 02:07 PM
I'm surprised it's taken this long. I hit their paywall on new content a couple of years ago. I was spoiled as a kid; my parents got both Chicago newspapers and later on there were always copies laying around at the places I worked. I don't even mind the ads as long as I see the content. Oh well.....
Posted by David Plechaty on 10/06/17 at 02:41 AM
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