NRA Day Parades

The current era has been compared to the Depression and New Deal under Roosevelt. But what's lacking today as we seek to emerge from the pandemic malaise is--parades!

To celebrate "NRA Day," New York City threw a parade that utilized a quarter of a million participants.

But it wasn't just NYC. Smaller places joined in too. Such as Dothan, Alabama. Visit this page for the full account, with lots of great photos.

     Posted By: Paul - Tue Feb 08, 2022
     Category: Government | Money | Parades and Festivals | 1930s

For those who think NRA stands only for the National Rifle Association, in this context it stands for National Recovery Administration. And that’s not recovery from addiction, it’s recovery from the Depression. And that’s not the psychological condition called depression, it’s …
Posted by ges on 02/08/22 at 12:25 PM
Well, it brought at least temporary prosperity to gasoline sellers. Probably shoe retailers, too.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 02/09/22 at 10:21 AM
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