Nylon panties in a bottle

Feb 1956: An unnamed English man found a pair of nylon panties inside a bottle that had washed up on a beach near Bognor Regis. An accompanying note explained that a Finnish sailor had put the panties in the bottle. The man presented the panties to his wife who was reportedly "delighted with them."

The London Sunday People - Feb 26, 1956

     Posted By: Alex - Thu Aug 15, 2024
     Category: 1950s

I'm surprised the panties in the bottle were clean. I would have expected the sailor to have to wash the panties twice before presenting them to his wife.
Posted by Yudith on 08/17/24 at 07:24 AM
The sender says the panties come from a Finnish sheep. Is there a joke in here somewhere? I'm thinking of the Woody Allen movie where he ends up in the gutter with a bottle of Woolite.

Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 08/18/24 at 07:30 AM

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