Once Bitten…

The Oatmeal web site has a zombie bite caculator. Input your information and it calculates how long it would take for you to become a zombie after being bitten. Of course this is just an estimate and real times could differ. As always it's best that you avoid all contact with zombies and those having been bitten.
For those of you who have already been bitten or turned there is a social site just for you! No more hunting for and eating brains alone. Find companionship and similar tastes here.
     Posted By: Alex - Sat Jan 09, 2010

hrm, I got 1 hr, 41 mins ... that's an annoying length of time. It's too long to just get it over and done with, and too short to do anything you've been hoping to do before you die.
Posted by Nethie on 01/09/10 at 11:59 PM
If there's one in the kitchen by the coffee pot I've only got about 1hr 19min left!
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 01/10/10 at 12:11 AM
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 01/10/10 at 02:09 AM
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