Opiated Hash

You might think that ‘opiated hash’ would be marijuana laced with opium. But not so. According to Cincinnati policeman Carl Rauschenberger, in a 1970 interview, it was “droppings from guinea pigs which had been fed marijuana.” Presumably people were smoking these droppings.

The clipping below also contains a curious claim about kids supposedly injecting peanut butter or mayonnaise into their veins. I've looked into that claim at some length over at the Museum of Hoaxes.

Cincinnati Enquirer - June 7, 1970

     Posted By: Alex - Tue Nov 12, 2019
     Category: Drugs | Smoking and Tobacco

Don't blame the children... All they're trying to do is imitate the adults drinking luwak coffee.
Posted by Richard Bos on 11/16/19 at 05:21 AM
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