papuan koteka

Indonesia set to make primitive Papuan men wear underpants
The men now wear the koteka (a phallic sheath made of dried gourd), but that's embarrassing back in Jakarta, whose Muslims are trying to pass anti-pornography laws. [First Link possibly not safe for work.]. Bild (Berlin) [Ed.: If you're not down with Bild as a source, here's more on the koteka from Australian Broadcasting Corporation]
     Posted By: Chuck - Thu Jan 08, 2009

Damn! My company blocks everything interesting!! Actually, I saw a program about these guys and couldn't figure out what in the world that was sticking up. Yes, I've been single too long, but in my defense, it was a bizarre color (yellowish orange).
Posted by BikerPuppy on 01/08/09 at 11:11 AM
Oh, and what I meant by "my company blocks everything interesting" is that I can't see the web page. Not that my company necessarily objects to the koteka. In fact, I don't think there's anything in the company dress code prohibiting it.
Posted by BikerPuppy on 01/08/09 at 11:12 AM
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