Parasail landing under a bridge—luckily no traffic!!

From the number of different angles of this landing at the end of the video, this was thoroughly planned -- I'm just glad I wasn't driving!!

If you run over a paraglider in your lane, will you still get a ticket for following too closely?
     Posted By: gdanea - Wed May 05, 2010
     Category: Exercise and Fitness

I should hope so, BJ. I wonder if anyone did any of the math to determine what the airflow would do as you go under the overpass?

Now, for the next version, how about you don't stop the traffic. Should be easy enough, just merge into a gap doing 60+ mph, stay there for 100 feet or so, then climb on out. Just leave your particulars for the Darwin people to publish.
Posted by TheCannyScot in Atlanta, GA on 05/05/10 at 10:01 PM
was he auditioning for the next jackass movie?
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 05/05/10 at 10:22 PM
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