Perfume from fatbergs

In the future, perfumes will be made from fatbergs. Text from

Prof Stephen Wallace from the University of Edinburgh is among those turning the fatbergs into perfumes. "It's a crazy idea," he admits to me, "but it works."
Fatbergs are accumulated lumps of fat from cooking oils, toilet and other food waste that people put down their drains. Prof Wallace gets his from a company that specialises in fishing them out of sewers and turning them into biofuels. They arrive at the lab in a tube.
The first step is to sterilise the material in a steamer. Prof Wallace then adds the specially modified bacteria to the remnants of the fatberg. The bacteria have a short section of DNA inserted, to give the bacteria their particular properties.
The fatberg gradually disappears, as the bacteria eat it, producing the chemical with the pine-like smell - this can be used as an ingredient in perfumes.

Will fatbergs be listed on the ingredients?
     Posted By: Alex - Wed Jan 29, 2025
     Category: Perfume and Cologne and Other Scents

Are fatbags worse than the most valuable perfume base, ambergris (aka whale vomit)?
Posted by Phred22 on 01/29/25 at 06:48 PM
Phred -- I see a market opportunity for a "Fatbergs and Whale Vomit" perfume.
Posted by Alex on 01/30/25 at 07:01 AM

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