PETA’s Complete List of Animal-Friendly Idioms

     Posted By: Paul - Sun Sep 22, 2024
     Category: Animals | Excess, Overkill, Hyperbole and Too Much Is Not Enough | Languages | Euphemisms, Cant, Weasel Words, Prissy Phrases and Orwellian Language

Speaking as someone with a folder holding over three thousands surreal/sarcastic/just-plain-weird memes, I have to say this comes way too close to invoking Poe's Law. I mean, yeah, it's funny, but there could be people who are actually serious with that list.
Posted by Phideaux on 09/22/24 at 01:01 PM
Several years ago, a non-Jewish politician was speaking to a group of Hasidic constituents, telling them that he would bring home the bacon. He (and they) saw the humor in it.
Posted by ges on 09/22/24 at 01:31 PM
I'm a big animal lover. But I really lost it when I watched the boys of South Park visiting a PETA enclave, which was inhabited by people married to their goats.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 09/22/24 at 06:58 PM

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