The phone company wants installers like Alana MacFarlane

In the early 1970s, AT&T was faced with bad publicity. During congressional hearings, it had been revealed that although the phone company was the largest employer of women in the country, almost all of those women were employed as low-paid telephone operators. There were almost no women in higher paying jobs, such as in repair or installation. AT&T responded to the criticism with the two ads below.

Ms magazine - July 1972

Sports Illustrated - June 12, 1972

Was Alana MacFarlane a real person? Absolutely. Even before the magazine ads appeared, AT&T had been making sure to let the media know that it had hired a female installer. The media responded with nudge-nudge wink-wink headlines:

Long Beach Independent - Dec 16, 1971

Torrance Daily Breeze - Apr 7, 1972

But the national spotlight AT&T had placed on MacFarlane proved uncomfortable for her. Within six months she had requested to be transferred to a desk job, ending her brief career as an installer.

Honolulu Star-Advertiser - Sep 14, 1972

A one-page blogspot blog, "Alana Macfarlane's story," created in 2010, gives some info about what subsequently became of her. She left AT&T, joined the Air Force for a while, and eventually became an engineer. It reveals that she was paid all of one dollar by AT&T for the ad she featured in.
     Posted By: Alex - Tue Jan 21, 2025
     Category: Advertising | Gender | Women | Telephones | 1970s

I too would join the Air Force if my company forced me to keep my make-up and my hair impeccable while I was climbing a telephone pole, especially with all the "pole climbing" jokes.
Posted by Yudith on 01/21/25 at 06:30 AM
I always wondered about the girls that joined up back then. I asked a few why and they answered "I just wanted to get away from home" All the rest of us (Navy) just wanted to avoid VietNam.
Posted by F.U.D. in Stockholm on 01/21/25 at 07:20 AM
I guess it was typical of the time, but I wonder how she felt being described as “ravishing,” “leggy,” and “fooling around” on the pole. In other words, a marketing gimmick.
Posted by Brian on 01/24/25 at 12:30 PM

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