Pigeon Blood Visine

Back in the 17th century, if you suffered from a burst blood vessel in your eye, the medical treatment of the day called for squirting pigeon blood in your eye. This was to be repeated 5 or 6 times. The treatment is recorded in a number of medical manuscripts, such as this anonymously authored one from 1663 preserved in the Wellcome Collection. [via The Recipes Project]

For a stroke or pricke in the eye if it causeth payne:
Take a pidgeon and let him blood in one of the winges in the vein & let the blood spinne out of the veine into the eye & it will helpe you yf you use it 5 or 6 tymes.

     Posted By: Alex - Sat Apr 26, 2014
     Category: Medicine | Seventeenth Century

For a stroke or pricke in the eye if it causeth payne:
Take a pidgeon and let him blood in one of the winges in the vein & let the blood spinne out of the veine into the eye & it will helpe you yf you use it 5 or 6 tymes.

How, pray tell, are we to take this advice seriously when Google says there are 10 spelling mistakes in that little paragraph?
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 04/26/14 at 10:00 AM
Google does not the King's English ken.
Posted by Muddy Valley on 04/26/14 at 09:44 PM
That was ye olde English dear.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 04/27/14 at 08:13 AM
WHAN that Aprille with his shoures soote.....
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 04/27/14 at 09:05 AM
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