Pink Underwear

Andrew Walls underwent a colonoscopy at the Delaware Surgery Center on Oct 12, 2012. For this procedure he was placed under anesthesia. And when he woke, he was wearing pink women's underwear. According to a lawsuit he's just filed, he insists that when he "presented for his colonoscopy he had not been wearing pink women's underwear and at no time did [he] voluntarily, knowingly or intentionally place the pink women's underwear upon himself."

He's claiming the pink underwear caused him "severe emotional stress" as well as mental anguish, lost wages, and loss of earning capacity. [Delaware Online]
     Posted By: Alex - Thu Oct 16, 2014

Oh, well, by all means let's award this dude $15,000,000 to offset his emotional distress and fine the clinic another $22,000,000 for sexual harassment, bullying, and not accepting Obama bucks for procedures.

They probably gave the dud Ebola too.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 10/16/14 at 11:20 AM
What no bra ? .. you gotta coordinate.
Posted by BrokeDad in Midwest US on 10/16/14 at 12:10 PM
Since he was working at the clinic at the time, presumably this was a practical joke that went too far. I can see being embarrassed and annoyed, but I fail to see how anything about the incident translates into loss of wages or loss of earning potential.
Posted by TheCannyScot in Atlanta, GA on 10/16/14 at 12:54 PM
Would it have been less distressing if they were blue?
Posted by KDP on 10/16/14 at 04:33 PM
Perhaps the personality trait that made him sue and make such a BFD out of it is the same trait that made him the butt of the joke in the first place.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 10/16/14 at 07:17 PM
@patty -- I think you're right!
Posted by Phideaux on 10/17/14 at 03:51 PM
Patty, "butt of the joke" is too good to be wasted on a comment that is actually saying something...
Posted by jswolf19 in Japan on 10/18/14 at 01:59 AM
Sadly I didn't even catch that myself when I posted it JS. Guess that's what I get for being too serious. :lol:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 10/18/14 at 09:29 AM
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